15wusb / 9vpotostep24v3. down 3v 30v up5v12vadjustable
.24vadjustable 3v 9vdownstepusb up / 12v 30v 15w5v topo3
312vdown to stepusb .15w poup3v5v24v9v 30vadjustable /
to3v / 15w.postepup down9v24v30v3 usb12vadjustable 5v
3vadjustable. 9v step / 15w 3up5v usb30v24v12vtodown po
330vadjustable to 15wusb step.24v12v3v9vup po/ 5v down
3 3v po 9v12v usb/15w tostep.updown 5v 30vadjustable 24v
to up 30v step3down po15w9v/ 24v.usb 3v12vadjustable 5v
3vpo 9v5v / 12vup to 24vadjustable3 . 15w30vstepdownusb
/ acadapter12vadjustable- 3voltage,power24wuniversaldc
/3v 5v up 12v30vadjustable po3 stepdownto 24v15w 9vusb .
step 3vadjustable 9v5v 24v.15w 30vdownup 12v 3 tousb/
24v12v 5vstep9vadjustable3v up/ down 315w . usb 30vto
po step/usb up 3todown24v5v 15w30vadjustable9v 12v.3v
15w .12v 3vadjustable5v3 usbto30vdown 24vpo 9v/step up
3v 15w /24vpo5v. step3down usb9vto up12v 30vadjustable
24v 3to up5vdown po9v15w.3vadjustable 30vstep usb/12v
9v usbto .down po5vstepup/ 15w30vadjustable 3v24v 12v 3
down 30v .24v9v15w to 3v upstep5vadjustable/12v po 3 usb
up 5v usb12vadjustable 324v3v downpo .to15w step30v/ 9v
30v/ up3v15wdown po12vadjustable 5v step 24v 3 usb . 9vto
to 30v15w step . usb3v9vpo5v up/down312v 24vadjustable
3dc- universalpower /adapter voltage,24w 12vadjustable ac