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【预售】软件的本质:为什么概念对于伟大设计很重要 The Essence of Software 原版英文社会科学
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【预售】软件的本质:为什么概念对于伟大设计很重要 The Essence of Software 原版英文社会科学 正版进口图书
【预售】Software Patterns, Knowledge Maps, and Domain Analysis
【预售】软件的本质:为什么概念对于伟大设计很重要 The Essence of Software 原版英文社会科学 善本图书
【预售】Software-Defined Radio for Engineers...
【预售】Mathematical Software - Proceedings of the First
【预订】Balancing Agile and Disciplined Engineering and Management Approaches for IT Services and Software Products
软件架构实践:原书第4版=Software Architecture in Practice, Fourth Edition:英文...
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【预售】Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: A Patte
【预订】Advancements in Model-Driven Architecture in Software Engineering
【预售】Innovations in Software-Defined Netw...
【预售】The Business Value of Software
【预售】Effective Software Project Management
【预订】Agile Software Development
【预售】Software Process and Product Measurement
【预售】Agent-Oriented Software Engineering V: 5th
【预售】Objective Software Quality: Objective Quality:
【预售】Software Process Improvement and Capability
【预售】Iterative Software Engineering for Multiagent
【预售】A Process Algebraic Approach to Software
【预售】Software Services for e-World: 10th Ifip Wg 6.11
【预售】Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme
【预售】Component-Based Software Engineering
【预售】Foundations of Software Science and Computation
【预售】Empirical Software Engineering Issues. Critical
【预售】Software Quality and Software Testing in Internet
【预售】Software Process Definition and Management
【预售】Business Modeling and Software Design: First
【预售】Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems IV:
【预售】Component-Based Software Engineering: 11th
【预售】Search Based Software Engineering: Fourth
【预售】Quality of Software Architectures: Models and
【预售】Fast Software Encryption: 18th International
【预售】Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software
【预售】Software Composition: 7th International Symposium
【预售】Software Language Engineering: 4th International
【预订】Software Reuse: Bridging with Social...
【预订】Knowledge-Based Software Engineering
【预售】Practical Software Reuse
【预订】Software Reliability
【预售】Numerical Computation 2: Methods, Software, and
【预售】Designing Software for the Mobile Context: A
【预订】Software Quality Assurance: Consiste...
【预订】Foundations of Software Science and ...
【预售】Model Checking Software
【预订】Verified Software. Theories, Tools, ...
【预售】Efficient Software Development with DB2 for OS/390:
【预售】Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 13th
【预售】Fast Software Encryption: 19th International
【预售】Managing the Change: Software Configuration and
【预售】Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 5th
【预售】Sensor Systems and Software: Second International
【预售】Foundations of Software Science and Computational
【预订】Formal Aspects of Component Software...
【预售】Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore and
【预售】Sdl 2011: Integrating System and Software Modeling:
【预订】Fundamental Approaches to Software E...
【预订】Software Engineering and Formal Meth...
【预售】Software Quality: Process Automation in Software
【预售】Specification of Software Systems
【预售】Formal Approaches to Software Testing and Runtime
【预售】Human-Centered Software Engineering: 4th
【预售】Firms in Open Source Software Development: Managing
【预订】Software Reliability Modeling
【预售】Language Engineering and Rigorous Software
【预订】Engineering Secure Software and Systems
【预售】Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2011:
【预售】Fundamentals of Software Engineering: Fourth
【预售】Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering:
【预售】Agile Software Development: Best Practices for Large
【预售】Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 10th
【预售】Software Engineering Research and Applications:
【预售】Software and Data Technologies: 4th International
【预售】Security and Safety Interplay of Intelligent Software Systems
【预订】Fundamentals of Software Engineering...
【预售】Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous
【预售】Software Engineering with Reusable Components
【预售】Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VI: 6th
【预售】Fast Software Encryption: 15th International
【预售】Reliable Software Technologies - ADA-Europe 2009:
【预售】Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
【预订】Model Checking Software
【预售】Software Verification and Analysis: An Integrated
【预售】Improving Software Testing: Technical and
【预订】Product-Focused Software Process Imp...
【预订】Formal Methods and Software Engineering
【预售】Trustworthy Software Development Processes: