up15wadjustable. step12v 3v24v/ 5v down9v30v 3tousb po
24v 5v30v. po to up15w3v9v3 usb /adjustable 12v step down
9v30v3vusbadjustable 24vto3 down/ 5vupstep 15w . 12v po
to3v / 15w.postepup down9v24v30v3 usb12vadjustable 5v
5v30v po 15wstep. to 324v adjustableusb9v 3vup down12v/
3v30vto usb12v.po 9v / 24v up adjustable15w 5vstep 3down
po15w adjustable/down33v 9v12v up to5vusbstep. 24v30v
adjustable 15w12v 5v 9v 3v30vstep/ down usbup.3po24v to