现货 Learning Ray 用于机器学习的灵活分布式 Distributed Python for Machine Learning 英文原版 Max Pumperla【中商原版】
【预订】Handling Priority Inversion in Time-Constrained Distributed Databases
[预订]Architectural Framework for Web Development and Micro Distributed Applications 9781668448496
【预售】Distributed Processing Systems
【预售】Foundations Of Distributed Artificial Intelligence
【预售】Distributed Coding in a Multiple Acc...
【预售】Distributed Averaging and Balancing ...
[预订]Distribution System Optimization to Manage Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) for Grid Services 9781638281887
[预订]Codes for Distributed Storage 9781638280248
【预订】Applying Integration Techniques and Methods in Distributed Systems and Technologies
【预订】Distributed Systems Architecture
预订 Next Generation Internet of Things Distributed Intelligence at the Edge and Human-Machine Interactions 下一代物联
【预售】On the Distribution of a Linear Combination of T-distributed Variables
【预售】Distributed Sensor Networks, Second Edition
预订 Distributed Optimization for the DER-Rich Electric Power Grid
【预售】Distributed Computing: 24th International Symposium
【预售】Distributed Virtual Worlds: Foundations and
【预售】Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems: Joint
【预售】Principles of Distributed Systems: 8th International
【预售】Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Nonlinear Distributed
【预售】Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired
【预售】Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems:
【预订】Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems
【预售】Distributed Constraint Satisfaction: Foundations of
【预售】Distributed Computing and Networking
【预售】Distributed Computing: 26th International Symposium
【预售】Concepts for Distributed Systems Design
【预售】Principles of Distributed Systems: 10th
【预售】Distributed Services with Openafs: For Enterprise
【预售】Disconnected Operation in a Distributed File System
【预订】Optimization of Distributed Paramete...
【预售】Distributed Computing and Internet Technology
【预订】Distributed Computer and Communicati...
【预订】Principles of Distributed Systems
【预订】Formal Techniques for Distributed Ob...
【预售】Principles of Distributed Systems: 16th
【预订】Distributed Medium Access Control in...
【预售】Scientific Engineering of Distributed Java
【预订】Distributed Computing
【预订】Characteristics of Distributed-Param...
【预订】Distributed Applications and Interop...
【预售】Trends in Distributed Systems: Towards a Universal
【预售】Principles of Distributed Systems: 14th
【预订】Distributed Computing and Internet T...
【预售】Economic Models and Algorithms for Distributed
【预售】Intelligent, Secure, and Dependable Systems in Distributed and Cloud Environments
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【预售】Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed
【预售】Principles of Distributed Systems: 12th
【预售】Protocols and Systems for Interactive Distributed
【预订】Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive ...
【预售】Modelling Distributed Systems
【预售】Grid and Distributed Computing, Control and
【预订】Distributed Space-Time Coding
【预售】Distributed Computing: 17th International
【预售】Distributed Applications Engineering: Building New
【预售】Distributed Computer and Communicati...
【预售】Internet and Distributed Computing S...
【预售】Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: 6th IEEE
【预订】Relevant Query Answering over Streaming and Distributed Data
【预售】Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: First IEEE
【预售】Distributed Algorithms: 10th International Workshop
【预售】Advanced Distributed Systems: Third International
【预售】Principles of Distributed Systems
【预订】Game-Theoretic Learning and Distributed Optimization in Memoryless Multi-Agent Systems
【预售】Designing Sustainable Energy for All: Sustainable Product-Service System Design Applied to Distributed Ren...
【预订】Distributed Systems with Persistent Memory
【预订】Distributed, Parallel and Biological...
【预售】Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: 5th IEEE
【预订】Compressed Sensing for Distributed Systems
【预订】Distributed User Interfaces: Usabili...
【预售】Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies
【预售】Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems
【预售】Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: Technologies and Contexts
【预订】Internet and Distributed Computing Systems
【预售】Distributed-Order Dynamic Systems
【预售】Control and Estimation of Distributed Paramete...
【预订】Distributed Embedded Controller Deve...
【预售】Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
【预售】Optimal Control of Nonsmooth Distributed Parameter
【预售】Grid and Distributed Computing: International
【预订】Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
【预订】Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive I...
【预订】Distributed Computing for Emerging Smart Networks
【预订】Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions